
Public consultation on TOSSD Compendium


09/09/2016 - TOSSD Consultation closed

19/08/2016 - Feedback from the international community on the TOSSD Compendium is published 

25/07/2016 - Deadline for comments has been extended to 9 September 2016

24/06/2016 - OECD releases Total Official Support for Sustainable Development Compendium for online public consultation.


  • The OECD is developing a proposal for the new international statistical measurement framework with the working title “total official support for sustainable development” (TOSSD). The measure will facilitate the monitoring resources supporting the SDGs. 
  • The OECD has been tasked to develop the metric in an open, inclusive and transparent way. After a series of workshops, expert dialogues and UN based events, a Compendium has been drafted. It summarises the current thinking about the aims of TOSSD and suggests a structure and features for the measure.
  • The international development community was invited to provide feedback and comment this Compendium. Views and questions were welcome on any of the issues addressed or neglected.
  • All contributions will be taken into account when the Compendium is updated in late September 2016 and will feed into future political processes designed to ensure broad-based international consensus on the components, features, oversight arrangements and statistical parameters of the TOSSD framework.
  • The next iteration of the TOSSD Compendium, drawing on views, insights and recommendations expressed through the online consultation process and ongoing international dialogues, will provisionally issue in October, followed by a second TOSSD Compendium consultation round which will take place through to end-2016.
  • The TOSSD framework is expected to be endorsed by the international community in the course of 2017. Important milestones in this regard include the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2016, the UN Development Co-operation Forum in July 2016, the DAC Senior Level Meeting in October 2016, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in November 2016, the UN Forum on Financing for Development (date tbd) and the subsequent HLPF in July 2017.  

          This TOSSD Compendium consultation is now closed.



  • AidData
  • ADB
  • Austrailia
  • Austria
  • Development Initiatives
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD
  • EKF - Denmark’s Export Credit Agency
  • Ferdi
  • France
  • Germany
  • Global Responsibility - Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid
  • Japan
  • The Netherlands (informal comments, coordinated and drafted at the working expert level only)
  • Oxfam
  • Reality of Aid 
  • Together 2030
  • USA


For more information about TOSSD, please visit the TOSSD webpage

For questions about the consultation process, please send an email to  





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